Homemade Water Wheel Electric Generator

BS: Homemade Electricity - What the Power Companies Don't Want You to Know

The joys of homemade electricity, this is not a new thing it has been around for along time, only in this decade is it becoming a way of life and socially acceptable. The farmers have used wind power to power their windmill's to bore the water from the ground. So the wheels of change are turning again, back to the old methods reinvented and modified.

These days producing energy has never been easier with advances in wind turbines and new technology hitting the market seemingly on a daily basis

Home electricity generation is a good green alternative to the mass use of coal and other forms.

One would hope the use of nuke power is limited. Home system may consist of wind power or solar power, or a combination of both. Basically it is producing 12 volt power same as our cars, which is via an inverter converted into 240v or 110v current which is then able to run our everyday appliances

Homemade electricity is some thing people should think about because if you think of what you give up it really is nothing, but you gain a lot of benefits.

The initial cost is high to set up, but with the correct knowledge and information, this can be obtained cheaply. You could even have most of the stuff lying around as junk. Yes there is a bit to learn about homemade electricity, but most of the saving's come to those who are willing to give it a go. Consider investing in knowledge of someone else who has done it. This can be done by either picking up the phone and calling your local energy shop, or visiting them.have your questions written down, so you don't forget them when you get there.

Non-BS: Overunity Generator - Connect induction motor to Generator 

BS: Homemade Water Wheel Electric Generator

Textbooks say that kinetic energy can be converted into kinetic energy. Okay, we accept that.

So here is a basic model of a generator with wheels approaching the water stream:

Homemade Water Wheel Electric Generator

It is the most basic model, easy to think about and develop into other types of generators.

In fact, water receiving wheels are available in the market. It can be found here: Homemade Generator Using Water - Hydroelectric

And even the generator unit is integrated there. That is, the whole mechanism for converting kinetic energy into electricity is available. All you have to do is find a source of water.

Does kinetic energy actually convert into electricity? The whole problem is here: Causality, Electromagnetic Induction, and Gravitation

This video will add information about making your own water wheel generator (hydroelectric):

Other homemade generators: Tesla's Free Energy Generator

Homemade Water Wheel Electric Generator Homemade Water Wheel Electric Generator Reviewed by Re-programming Life on 8:12 PM Rating: 5

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