Generator: AC inverter and Tesla AC

A real, free energy device is something that delivers more electrical current than it consumes. I would also argue that when the costs of initial purchase, installation and maintenance of a free energy system are so high that they must be amortized over many years until they have been paid for by electric bill savings; such devices are not actually "free". Let's examine a few of the devices that are currently available to find out how they stack up.

Homemade Generator Magnet

A permanent magnet electrical generator is much like to an ordinary electrical generator. The difference is that the motor powering the generator, in place of burning gasoline or Diesel fuel, operates on the power of permanent magnets alone. You undoubtedly have heard that when you place electricity into a standard electrical motor, it will begin to turn and when you turn the shaft of such a motor with another motor, it will produce electricity. The permanent magnet electrical generator requires no supply of external power to run. The small amount of power that it does need constitutes only around one fifth of what it is creating, so four fifths is available as absolutely free energy. An apparatus that creates precisely the power it requires to operate (and no more) is said to be operating at "unity." A mechanism that delivers more that it requires to run is said to be functioning at "over-unity."

Plan of Homemade AC Generator:

✔ The Real Nature of Tesla AC Generator

✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator
✔ Combination between generators
✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity or Free Energy, or Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words

Homemade AC generator science project - Pure BS -  AC inverter 

Electrical science projects will be the premise for practical application and implementation. That is what the media offer as an obvious argument. But why do homemade generator projects exist only in graduate dissertations, and have no practical application?

Here are facts about AC generators:

Marketed: inverter type AC generators only. That means the AC current generated is unstable electricity (noise), and it needs to go to the battery, then to the inverter to generate high quality AC power.

The villagers are educated after high school or graduate: they all generate AC electricity in the form of noise, and need to pass through the inverter to produce 50Hz 220V AC power.

Power generators: One thing especially the big energy companies do not use inverters to generate high quality AC 50Z electricity. This is Tesla's AC technology. This is a secret. Nobody seems to know.

So what science project do you need?

How do you make a homemade AC generator?

Our mindset remains at the bottom of the box if we still find things like this on Google:

Generator: AC inverter and Tesla AC

Pure BS homemade generator science project -vs- Unique generator

It's a generator that uses rotation to generate AC current. But in essence, there is no causal relationship between AC Electrical Energy and the kinetic energy of rotation. In fact, AC electric energy is energy that comes from the dome form of Ether. Ether physics, it was absurdly rejected, by idiots or as a conspiracy. You might think I'm crap here, but look at what's real above, it's the generators that are setting up a protocol in Ether.

More research on electricity AC and Ether:

Thus, the science project of home-made AC generator can be divided into two categories, namely, AC in Ether with protocol in dome, and AC power in pure BS science - ancient technology. The secret of vortices in Ether and AC power is still in your home, and the Tesla AC secret is still waiting to be discovered.

Related: Researching the application of Tesla coil

Generator: AC inverter and Tesla AC Generator: AC inverter and Tesla AC Reviewed by Re-programming Life on 8:25 PM Rating: 5

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